Behind E very Successful People Has Painful Story "SUCCESS is 1 % Inspira tion,99% perspiration" True success should be measured by how happy you are..Every successful person has painful story to tell and every painful story has a successful ending . Accepts the pain,forgive and get ready for your SUCCESS. There were about 70 scientists working on a very hectic project. All of them were really frustrated due to the pressure of work and the demands of their boss but everyone was loyal to him and did not think of quitting the job. One day, one scientist came to his boss and told him – Sir, I have promised to my children that I will take them to the exhibition going on in our township. So I want to leave the office at 5 30 pm. His boss replied “OK, You’re permitted to leave the office early today”. The Scientist started working. He continued his work after lunch. As usual he got i...
Showing posts from September, 2019